૨૧ ફેબ્રુઆરી – શ્રી માતાજી નો જન્મદિવસ ૧૮૭૮
The Mother is born in Paris on February 21, 1878 to a Persian father and an Egyptian mother. She is named Mirra Alfassa.
The Mother spoke about the significance of birthdays. She said,
“It is an occult phenomenon that occurs invariably, without our knowledge, on this particular day of the year. The soul leaves behind the body and journeys up and up till it merges into the Source in order to replenish itself and absorb from the Supreme Its Power, Light and Ananda and comes down charged for a whole year to pass. Then again and again… it continues like this year after year.”
“From the viewpoint of the inner nature, the individual is more receptive on his birthday from year to year, and thus it is an opportune moment to help him to make some new progress each year.”
૨૯ માર્ચ – શ્રી માતાજીની શ્રી અરવિંદ સાથેની પ્રથમ મુલાકાત – ૧૯૧૪
The Mother’s first meeting with Sri Aurobindo
“As soon as I saw Sri Aurobindo I recognized in him the well-known being whom I used to call Krishna… And this is enough to explain why I am fully convinced that my place and my work are near him, in India”
The Mother (CWM, Vol. XIII, pp.38-39)
On 30th March, 1914 – the day after The Mother first met Sri Aurobindo – She wrote in Her diary:
…”It matters little that there are thousands of beings plunged in the densest ignorance, He whom we saw yesterday is on earth; his presence is enough to prove that a day will come when darkness shall be transformed into light, and Thy reign shall be indeed established upon earth.”…
૪ એપ્રિલ ૧૯૧૦- શ્રી અરવિંદનું પોંડિચેરીમાં આગમન
Early next morning, April 1, SS Dupleix steamed out of Calcutta carrying Sri Aurobindo into the safety of the open seas and, four days later, on April 4, 1910, he reached Pondicherry.
Port of Pondicherry
SS Dupleix
I shall be obliged if you will allow me to inform every one interested in my whereabouts through your journal that I am and will remain in Pondicherry. I left British India over a month before proceedings were taken against me and, as I had purposely retired here in order to pursue my Yogic sadhana undisturbed by political action or pursuit and had already severed connection with my political work, I did not feel called upon to surrender on the warrant for sedition, as might have been incumbent on me if I had remained in the political field. I have since lived here as a religious recluse, visited only by a few friends, French and Indian, but my whereabouts have been an open secret,.. I find myself now compelled, somewhat against my will, to give my presence here a wider publicity.
૨૪ એપ્રિલ ૧૯૨૦- શ્રી માતાજી કાયમી નિવાસ માટે પૉંડિચેરી પધાર્યા
The Mother came to Pondicherry for the first time in March 1914.She returned to france in 1915 and then went to japan in 1916.
She returned to Pondicherry on 24th April 1920, never to leave again on this Siginificant date, The Mother once wrote to a disciple. ( a bout 24 april 1920 )
The anniversary of return to Pondicherry which was the tengible sign of the sure victory over the adverse forces.
It was then that slowly the Ashram grew and took shape around Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
This date is also Celebrated in the Ashram as one of the Drashan days. On that days Sri Aurobindo’s room will be kept open for Darshan to the visitors.
૧૫ ઓગસ્ટ૧૮૭૨ – શ્રી અરવિંદનો જન્મદિવસ
The Eternal Birth
Physically, it means that the consciousness of this birth will last as long as the Earth. The consequences of Sri Aurobindo’s birth will be felt throughout the entire existance of the Earth……
Mentally, it is a birth the memory of which will last eternally. Through the ages Sri Aurobindo’s birth will be remembered, with all the consequences it has had….
Psychically, it is a birth which will recur eternally, from age to age, in the history of the universe. This birth is a manifestation which takes place periodically, from age to age, in the history of the Earth…..
And finally, from the purely spiritual point of view, it will be said that it is the birth of the Eternal on Earth. For each time the Avatar takes a physical form it is the birth of the Eternal himself on Earth.
૨૪ નવેમ્બર ૧૯૨૬ -અધિમનસનું અવતરણ
It marks the anniversary of the Siddhi Day – ‘The Day of Victory’ – the descent of the Sri Krishna Consciousness or the Overmental Consciousness into the physical, which took place in the year 1926.
That the 24th November should be given an importance equal to that of the birthdays of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is quite proper because on that day the descent of the Higher Power symbolic of the victory of their mission took place. The Delight consciousness in the Overmind which Sri Krishna incarnated -as Avatar- descended on this day into the physical, rendering possible the descent of the Supermind into Matter.
– A.B. Purani
About this event Sri Aurobindo later wrote in a letter:
“The 24th November [1926] was the descent of Krishna into the physical…. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards his Ananda.”
November 24, 1926, is also the day when the Sri Aurobindo Ashram came into being. It is therefore the planting of the seed which has now grown into a huge and mighty banyan tree with a presence all over the world.
શ્રી અરવિંંદે દેહ ત્યાગ કરવાનો નિર્ણય કર્યો
Sri Aurobindo’s body laid to rest
Samadhi is a place and construction for keeping in peace the bodies of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
It is located at the inner courtyard of the Ashram Main Building.
To the north from the Samadhi stands a large Service Tree with its peaceful atmosphere. Its branches give shade to the courtyard around Samadhi.
There are some pillars around Samadhi connected at the top by beams (pergola). The pillars provide the supports for branches of Service Tree and also for the cloth canopy above the Samadhi.
Visitors are warned about keeping silence. Some people siting on the ground in a short distance around, some slouly pass around the Samadhi, some kneel near it.
20 December, 1972
Satprem : I had a question about Sri Aurobindo. I was wondering what
stage he had reached when he left – what stage in the transformation?
For instance, what difference is there between the work you are doing now and what he was doing at the time?
Mother : He had accumulated a great deal of supramental force in his body, and as soon as he left he…. He was on his bed, you see, and I was standing beside him, and all the supramental force that was in him passed quite concretely from his body into mine – so concretely that I thought it was visible. I could feel the friction of the passage. It was extraordinary – extraordinary! It was an extraordinary experience. It went on for a long, long time like this (gesture of the Force passing into Mother’s body). I was standing beside his bed, and it passed into me.
Almost physical – it was a physical sensation. It lasted a long time.
That’s all I know.