24/04/1920 - શ્રી માતાજી કાયમી નિવાસ માટે પૉંડિચેરી પધાર્યા
૨૪ એપ્રિલ ૧૯૨૦- શ્રી માતાજી કાયમી નિવાસ માટે પૉંડિચેરી પધાર્યા
The Mother came to Pondicherry for the first time in March 1914.She returned to france in 1915 and then went to japan in 1916.
She returned to Pondicherry on 24th April 1920, never to leave again on this Siginificant date, The Mother once wrote to a disciple. ( a bout 24 april 1920 )
The anniversary of return to Pondicherry which was the tengible sign of the sure victory over the adverse forces.
It was then that slowly the Ashram grew and took shape around Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
This date is also Celebrated in the Ashram as one of the Drashan days. On that days Sri Aurobindo’s room will be kept open for Darshan to the visitors.