09/12/1950 - શ્રી અરવિંદના દેહને સમાધિસ્થ કરવામાં આવ્યો
Sri Aurobindo’s body laid to rest Samadhi is a place and construction for keeping in peace the bodies of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is located at the inner courtyard of the Ashram...
05/12/1950 - શ્રી અરવિંંદનો મહાસમાધિ દિવસ
શ્રી અરવિંંદે દેહ ત્યાગ કરવાનો નિર્ણય કર્યો “That’s why Sri Aurobindo left his body.”—the Mother There’s just one thing… I don’t know… it’s when you say Sri Aurobindo “succumbed” on 5 December 1950. He...
24/11/1926 - સિદ્ધિ દિવસ – અધિમનસનું અવતરણ
૨૪ નવેમ્બર ૧૯૨૬ -અધિમનસનું અવતરણ It marks the anniversary of the Siddhi Day – ‘The Day of Victory’ – the descent of the Sri Krishna Consciousness or the Overmental Consciousness into the physical, which took...