09/12/1950 - શ્રી અરવિંદના દેહને સમાધિસ્થ કરવામાં આવ્યો
Sri Aurobindo’s body laid to rest
Samadhi is a place and construction for keeping in peace the bodies of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
It is located at the inner courtyard of the Ashram Main Building.
To the north from the Samadhi stands a large Service Tree with its peaceful atmosphere. Its branches give shade to the courtyard around Samadhi.
There are some pillars around Samadhi connected at the top by beams (pergola). The pillars provide the supports for branches of Service Tree and also for the cloth canopy above the Samadhi.
Visitors are warned about keeping silence. Some people siting on the ground in a short distance around, some slouly pass around the Samadhi, some kneel near it.
20 December, 1972
Satprem : I had a question about Sri Aurobindo. I was wondering what
stage he had reached when he left – what stage in the transformation?
For instance, what difference is there between the work you are doing now and what he was doing at the time?
Mother : He had accumulated a great deal of supramental force in his body, and as soon as he left he…. He was on his bed, you see, and I was standing beside him, and all the supramental force that was in him passed quite concretely from his body into mine – so concretely that I thought it was visible. I could feel the friction of the passage. It was extraordinary – extraordinary! It was an extraordinary experience. It went on for a long, long time like this (gesture of the Force passing into Mother’s body). I was standing beside his bed, and it passed into me.
Almost physical – it was a physical sensation. It lasted a long time.
That’s all I know.