24/11/1926 - સિદ્ધિ દિવસ – અધિમનસનું અવતરણ
૨૪ નવેમ્બર ૧૯૨૬ -અધિમનસનું અવતરણ
It marks the anniversary of the Siddhi Day – ‘The Day of Victory’ – the descent of the Sri Krishna Consciousness or the Overmental Consciousness into the physical, which took place in the year 1926.
That the 24th November should be given an importance equal to that of the birthdays of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is quite proper because on that day the descent of the Higher Power symbolic of the victory of their mission took place. The Delight consciousness in the Overmind which Sri Krishna incarnated -as Avatar- descended on this day into the physical, rendering possible the descent of the Supermind into Matter.
– A.B. Purani
About this event Sri Aurobindo later wrote in a letter:
“The 24th November [1926] was the descent of Krishna into the physical…. The descent of Krishna would mean the descent of the Overmind Godhead preparing, though not itself actually, the descent of Supermind and Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards his Ananda.”
November 24, 1926, is also the day when the Sri Aurobindo Ashram came into being. It is therefore the planting of the seed which has now grown into a huge and mighty banyan tree with a presence all over the world.