1920 – 1973 - Pondicherry

  • In 1920 the Mother sailed for Pondicherry. Now the most important chapter in her life was to begin. She had found her chosen and appointed place of spiritual fulfilment.
  • The Mother reached Pondicherry on April 24, 1920. She was forty-two. She was pursuing an intense Yoga and thesadhana was going on in the mental and vital planes.
  • Until the Mother’s final arrival, a few of Sri Aurobindo’s followers had lived with him as members of the household. With the coming of the Mother, a collective life took shape. The things got better organized and regular collective meditations were started.
  • The aim of their Yoga is to bring down the highest Supramental Consciousness of the Divine and to establish it in the earth consciousness. But before this can take place, the Overmind Consciousness or the Krishna Consciousness, has to be firmly established. This descent took place on November 24, 1926.
  • The next few years saw great changes. The number of disciples increased and many new activities were started. This is a sadhana which tries to bring down the spirit into matter. All fields of human activity are accepted and the Mother took care of the smallest details. From an unknown experiment in a corner of India, the Ashram now grew into a great centre of yoga, attracting devotees and disciples from all over the world.
  • In 1950, Sri Aurobindo left his body in a supreme sacrifice to hasten the descent of the Supramental upon earth.
  • A most decisive step in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had been taken. The goal was certain. Now it was a question of time and of preparing the earth for the full manifestation of the Supermind. There could be no more failure, no more falling back.
  • In the meantime, the Ashram continued to grow and expand under the Mother’s guidance. In 1952, the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education was started. The Mother was busy from morning to night–meeting the disciples, listening to their problems and queries, looking after the large number of departments, taking classes for the children, encouraging them in their sports and cultural activities, leading and guiding them and showing the way in everything.
  • In 1972, the Birth Centenary of Sri Aurobindo was celebrated.
  • In 1973, on 17 November, after a brief illness, the Mother left her physical body. She was ninety-five